We start by diamond grinding the floor with a vac assisted diamond grinder. The grinding profiles the floor so the coating has a good surface to adhere to.
The vac assistance on the grinder keeps the dust levels to a minimum. After we have profiled the floor we make any necessary repairs to insure proper adhesion with a fast setting concrete patch…all floors, even new, have some repairs. Also if you have expansion joints or relief cuts you a have a couple different fill options for those….most go with a hard fill for a seamless floor.
Once the repairs are made and ground down we vacuum the entire area before starting our coating a flaking process.
We cut in the edges and corners, then roll out our base coat polyaspartic, next broadcast the flakes that give your floor its color blend and texture.
We install a full broadcast flake floor, which means we get 95%-98% flake coverage over the entire area. The base coat is allowed to cure from anywhere from 2-4 hours (overnight during cooler temps) depending on temperatures, we then come back scrape off the rough edges of the flakes and apply our top polyaspartic clear coat.
24 hours after the top clear coat is applied you can return to usage of the area, after 48 hours you can park your vehicle on the floor. Most installs are completed in 2 days.
Key points
Vac-Assisted Diamond Grinding (Vacuums meet all EPA and OSHA air quality requirements)
Repairs made with a fast setting concrete patch
Final Vacuum to remove excess dust and debris
Full Broadcast with ¼ flake size (1/4 inch flakes hides the imperfections in the concrete that cannot be fixed after the concrete has cured we will go into more detail about this but always, always, always go with ¼ flake)
Scrapping the flaked floor (knocks down the sharp edges and creates the appropriate texture)
Application of top coat polyaspartic (low oder dissipates quickly, cures for return to use in 24 hours.